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What is blue light?

Blue light is electromagnetic radiation in the 422nm to 490nm range. Humans see from about 380nm to 700nm. White light includes all the colors, therefore white light also includes blue light. Recent studies show that there are some negative effects of blue light on the human eye which can interrupt sleep patterns, cause macular degeneration and eye fatigue.1,2,3,4,5 This analysis includes blue light from computer screens. If blue light from computers can affect sleep patterns, then the last thing we would want to do is expose children to more blue light.



This video demonstrates blue light blocking on a Toshiba Encore running Windows 10 32-bit. The blue light is reduced from about 20uW/cm2 to 5uW/cm2

Blue light can be filtered via software without needing special glasses or screens which affect touch input. EasyKiosk for Toddlers gives you the control to reduce 60 to 90% of the blue light that will reach your child's eyes when they are using a tablet or computer.




